YahLife Constitution

YahLife Constitution


YahLife acknowledges people of African descent, victimized by the transatlantic slave trade, as the original sons and daughters of Yah; mothers and fathers of civilization. Therefore, in affirming our birthrights as Yah’s original people, it is our responsibility and duty to bring balance, harmony and order to this realm, as well as spiritual and cultural sustenance through our global communities in accordance with the natural laws of the land.

This Constitution brings into existence the administrative councils, courts and officers to effectuate the orderly restoration of our birth right and the responsible management of the many blessing endowed upon us by Yah we do hereby ordain and establish this constitution for the YahLife Nation.

  • YAHLife’s National Council shall be entitled to call upon and expect Tribes, Communities, Families, Households and Citizens to reasonably contribute to the common defense, development, sustenance, and execution of judicial judgements.
  • YAHLife’s National Council shall be entitled to maintain a capital zone and sufficient property within tribal communities for the execution of its function as the National Council and Court.
  • Every YahLife Tribe shall be entitled to call upon and expect their Nation to provide reasonable resources and infrastructure for the common defense and their social, cultural, and economic development.
  • Every YahLife Tribe shall be entitled to call upon and expect their Communities to provide reasonable resources for the development of public infrastructure and national sustenance.
  • Every YahLife Tribe shall be entitled to an equitable distribution of productive land, within the continent of Africa, by YahLife.
  • Every YahLife Community shall be entitled to an equitable distribution of productive land from their Tribe and Nation.
  • Every YahLife Community shall be entitled to call upon and expect their household to provide reasonable resources for the development of community infrastructure and tribal sustenance.
  • Every YahLife Household shall be entitled to call upon and expect their family, community and tribe to provision reasonable resources (labor, capital, and goods) for the development, cultivation, and equitable distribution of productive land, befitting housing, and nutritious food.
  • Every YahLife Household shall be entitled to an equitable distribution of income generated from foreign trade, lending, and investment activities.
  • Every YahLife Household shall be entitled to equitable title to productive land for the benefit of their household, family and community. Every YahLife Household may transfer equitable title in accordance with the law of the land. (Num 26:1-4;52-56, Num 27:8, Num 36:6;9, Lev 25)
  • Every YahLife Citizen shall be entitled to call upon and expect his household, family, community, tribe and nation to provide protection against foreign aggressors or any aggression toward his person, household, or family.
  • Every YahLife Citizen shall be entitled to travel to and reside within any other Tribal area in a manner consistent with the Natural Laws.
  • Every YahLife Citizen shall be entitled to receive instruction, rule making, administrative discourse, and official communications in the Bambara Language.

The primary function of YahLife’s judicial system is to enforce compliance with natural laws, redress private wrongs, and ensure the efficient and equitable distribution of national prosperity. The Judicial system shall consist of Family Courts, Community Courts, Tribal Courts and a National Court. All judicial proceedings provide an equal opportunity for the interested parties and community to speak and shall be held in a manner conducive to getting to the truth of the matter. All Judicial actions, judgements, and decisions shall be based on the Book of the Law of Yah. If the actions of any magistrate judge or justice are found to be counter to the principles in said book, that justice or judge shall face the appropriate consequences.

Family Courts
  • Family courts shall have original jurisdiction of all disputes involving alleged injury, but not punishable by capital punishment, arising between two parties within the same family unit.
  • Family courts shall be presided over by 3 magistrate judges with at least one magistrate judge from a different family unit than which the dispute arose.
  • All family court judgements must be made by unanimous decision unless one or more judges abstains from rendering a decision. Any decision not made by unanimous decision of three judges must be certified by a randomly selected Community Court magistrate.
  • A family court decision may be appealed to a Community Court provided each judge must be from a different family unit and none of the judges may be from the family unit the dispute arose in.
  • A family court appeal will incur reasonable cost prescribed and imposed by the standing tribal court council.
Community Courts
  • Community Courts shall have original jurisdiction of all disputes arising between distinct family units within the same community and appellate jurisdiction over Family Court judgements.
  • Community Courts shall be presided over by 3 magistrate judges with a least one magistrate judge from a different community than which the dispute arose.
  • All Community Court judgements must be made by unanimous decision unless one or more judges abstains from rendering a decision. Any decision not made by unanimous decision of three judges must be certified by a randomly selected tribal court justice.
  • A Community Court decision may be appealed to a Tribal Court.
  • A Community court appeal will incur reasonable cost prescribed and imposed by the standing Tribal Court Council.
Tribal Courts
  • Tribal Courts shall have original jurisdiction of all disputes arising between two or more distinct communities and appellate jurisdiction over all Community Court decisions. Tribal Courts shall have the authority to issue all Writs and equitable remedies in the exercise of its jurisdiction or to force compliance with the Natural Laws of the Land.
  • Tribal Courts shall be presided over by a Tribal Justice and composed of 9 magistrate judges. Each party group to the dispute shall have the right to select an equal number of 8 Magistrate judges and the eight magistrate judges shall collectively agree upon a 9th Magistrate from a different Tribe. All decisions not made unanimously by the 9 Magistrate judges shall be made unilaterally by the Tribal Court Justice and certified by the YahLife National Council.
  • All Tribal Courts decisions are considered final when made by the unanimous decision of 9 Magistrates.
  • Tribal Court Justices shall be appointed by a unanimous vote of the community Chiefs. In the event a Tribal Court Justice is not appointed by unanimous decision, the National Council may appoint a Tribal Justice to serve until such time a unanimous selection can be made.
YahLife National Courts
  • YahLife National Courts shall have original jurisdiction of all disputes arising between two or more distinct tribes, and appellate jurisdiction over all capital judgements, and certification jurisdiction over all non-unanimous tribal court decisions. National Courts shall have the authority to issue all Writs and equitable remedies in the exercise of its jurisdiction or to force compliance with the Natural Laws of the Land.
  • The National Court shall be a panel of 13 judges presided over by a Chief Justice and composed of an equal number of Tribal Justice(s) or Magistrate(s) from each tribe.
  • Tribal Justices appointed to the National Court shall be elected by Households in a manner prescribed by the respective Tribal Councils.
  • All decisions not made unanimously by the 12 Tribal Justices shall be made unilaterally by the Chief Justice.
  • All National Court decisions are final whether made unanimously or by the unilateral decision of the Chief Justice.
  • The National Court shall serve as the National Council and shall establish all rules relating to naturalization.

The primary purpose of YAHLife Administrative Councils are to secure, track, monitor, and promote the equitable distribution of the national prosperity to all YahLife Households. Administrative councils are established at the Tribal and Community level in the form and manner prescribed by the National Court.

Tribal Councils
  • Tribal Councils shall be presided over by the Tribal Court Justice and 9 YahDeinKe with at least one representative from each Community who can be removed by a vote of No Confidence by a supermajority of the community they represent. All tribal council meetings shall be presided over by a Justice elected by a majority vote of the community chiefs.
  • All Tribal council votes shall be made by a super majority of the appointed YahDeinKe’s. Any decision that fails to receive a super majority shall be unilaterally decided by the Justice and certified by the National Council.
Responsibilities of Chiefs
  • Create and submit action plans to the Tribal Council for approval.
  • Execute action plans approved by the Tribal Council.
  • Ensure the efficient delivery of relevant education and vocational training to YahDenite’s.
  • Elucidate and monitor adherence to natural law principles.
  • Shall chair all standing community committees.
Responsibilities of Clerks
  • Maintain a database of and relationships with household, family, and community leaders.
  • Record household and family land ownership.
  • Monitor food stock production and consumption.
  • Maintain a database of public records.
  • Maintain a record of natural law violations necessitating further action by the judiciary.
  • Record any relevant information in support for the greater good of the community.
Responsibilities of Sar (Captain/Commander)
  • Organize and deliver defense training.
  • Execute and enforce judicial judgements.
  • Convene and lead posse(s) or militia to preserve the public peace.
Responsibilities of Griots
  • Communicating the goals, objectives, and accomplishments of the community.
  • Presenting action plans to the Tribal and Community Councils.
  • Facilitating Inter-community Communications.


I (we) the undersigned do hereby ACCEPT this constitution for the YAHLIFE NATION and cede to the supreme jurisdiction and authority of Natural Law in accordance with the judicial enactments, judgements and declarations of the Councils, Courts, and Offices established throughout this Constitution.

By affixing my signature to this Constitution, I (we) acknowledge this Constitution conveys to Yahlife Nations’ Courts and Councils exclusive jurisdiction over any case or controversy involving myself and any other Yahlife Citizen(s).

In affirmation of my birthright as Yah’s original people I do hereby covenant to accept my responsibilities and duties to bring balance, harmony and order to this realm, as well as spiritual and cultural sustenance through our global communities in accordance with the natural laws of the land.

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